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Severe Weather Update

Church Night and Upper Room Night are still on for Wednesday, Sept 25. At this time, we will have daily Mass on Thursday, Sept 26 at 7:00am and 10:00am. The Adoration Chapel will close on Thursday, September 26 at 11am. It will re-open on Friday, September 27 at 11am. The Parish Office will be closed Thursday and Friday. The Gym will be closed Thursday. We will update this information as needed. Stay safe!

Jul 26
Jul 30
Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference & Mission
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Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference & Mission


Steubenville Atlanta Youth Conference & Mission
7/26/2024 6:00 AM
7/30/2024 11:00 PM
Parish Office
Dot Wagner
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Event OVerview

Who: all students in grades 9-12 (as of fall 2024) and graduating seniors

What: The best way to "see" is to watch last years high light video. It is an amazing weekend youth conference followed by serving with Habitat for Humanity. We have fun. We stay in hotels. We laugh and learn a lot. We serve. You don't want to miss it!


Cost: $400/student until May 1, then the cost increases to $475. Includes bus, hotel, conference registration, tshirt, and more. Scholarships & fundraising avaiable.

Adults/parents interested in being a chaperone should email Dot at

Event Schedule

Registration Details

Register by creating a profile for your son/daughter on faithenroll and then signing them up for this event. If you are an adult looking to register as a chaperone, you must email Dot please.

Faith Enroll:

*note this is how you sign up for middle school ministry, high school ministry, and confirmation. If you already registered, just sign in and select the Steubenville trip to place a deposit.

To pay your balance, visit:


Is there financial assistance?

Yes. Please don't let cost stop you. We also have fundraisers for teens to help raise their cost and we have sponsors who will help with scholarships. You need to register and save a spot ($100) to start.

How old should my teen be?

This trip is open to rising 9th graders (students will be be starting high school in 2024) and outgoing seniors (students who just graduated in May 2024).

How many service hours will my teen get?


Can I chaperone?

Yes! We would love to have you and will help make it an amazing weekend for you and your son/daughter.

How do I pay my balance (after I have signed up my teen)?
