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Christmas Mass Schedule

Join us at one of our beautiful Christmas Masses! Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24): 4:00pm Children's Mass & 7:00pm | Midnight Mass at 12:00am on Christmas (Wednesday, December 25) | Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25): 9:00am & 12:30pm Español

Sep 20
Sep 21
Women's Retreat
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Women's Retreat


Women's Retreat
9/20/2024 5:00 PM
9/21/2024 6:00 PM
Parish Office
Fr. Richard Graham
Monsignor Crowe Community Center
MP 1
3308 E. 15th Street
Panama City, FL, 32405
Get Directions

Event OVerview

Friday 9/20, 6:00-9:00pm and Saturday 9/21, 8:00am-5:00pm at St. Dominic.

Register HERE! Registration includes dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Gluten free options will be available.

Why go on a retreat?

To retreat literally means to “go back.” We invite you to step back from the busyness of your everyday lives and focus on your connection with Jesus Christ. Perhaps you are new to the faith or want to rekindle or deepen your relationship with our Lord. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you!

Retreats are amazing opportunities to gather with your sisters in Christ, pray, share your life and faith struggles, successes, and glory stories.  We NEED each other.  We NEED to be reassured that we are not alone on this journey to holiness.  The road is sometimes rocky, and it is such a blessing to have a friend in Christ walk with us, pray with us, and encourage us.  

As women, we always pour out our entire being for those we love.  God truly honors our efforts.  However, we sometimes feel inadequate as our time is taken up with chores, children, husbands, jobs, etc.  No matter your stage in life – a single lady,  young mom, mom of teenagers, empty nester, widow, we ALL desire community and a relationship with God.  

Our women’s retreat is a safe place where you can be refreshed and renewed, meet new friends and rekindle friendships, pray, praise and just receive the love, mercy, compassion and joy the Lord has in store for you. There is no better way to encounter Christ than by carving out this time to experience God’s love for you. This will be a day of prayer, rest, engaging talks and discussion, reflection, and worship. The sacraments will be available as well as an opportunity to fellowship and form holy friendships with other women. Please join us and bring a friend!

Event Schedule

Registration Details

Click here for registration

